Digital transformation in health

The evolution of the healthcare system involves a significant digital transformation aimed at offering the patient a digital health care space, in addition to his Shared Medical File (in French “DMP”). Health professionals also have at their disposal many digital tools integrating AI bricks (Artificial Intelligence) helping them at all stages of the treatment process. « Digital Health » is expanding but raises ethical questions about the use of data and the analysis techniques of these Big Data.

The key numbers


connected objects are related to health

4 billion

euros for the connected health market (2020 forecast)


of French users of e-health application

Your stakes,
Our solutions

Your stakes


How relevant is the digital solution in response to a health needs ?


How to check the regulatory compliance of the use of health data ?


How to ensure that users will find a real interest in the service or in the digital solution ?


How involve users, healthcare professionals and / or patients in the creation of the solution ?

Our solutions


Design innovative digital solutions

Accompany actors on all stages of digital transformation: design, specifications, prototype, final product, in a user-oriented approach.


Help digital transformation through organization and skills

Since digital transformations question the organization and have a strong impact on humans, it requires organizational key points, supporting change, planning and mobilizing skills.

For who ?

Public – private


Realization of a strategic training plan for the implementation of a national e-health program