Legal notice

Owner of the website :


N° SIRET : 839 814 852 000 19
Code NAF : 7022Z

Publisher of the website :

The site was created by :
Laure RICATTI – Conseil en communication digitale (Avignon)
N° SIRET : 810 862 441 00021
Website :

Publication manager :


Distinctive signs :

The domain name belongs to Anthesis Consulting.

Website hosting : website is hosted by :
2 rue Kellermann
59100 Roubaix – France

Copyright and intellectual property :

The presentation and each of the elements, including trademarks, logos and domain names, appearing on the site, are protected by the laws in force on the intellectual property, and belong to Cécile RIVOIRON or are subject an authorization to use.

No element composing the site (texts of articles, images, logos, code html, …) can not be copied, reproduced, modified, reissued, loaded, denatured, transmitted or distributed in any way whatsoever, under any medium whatsoever, in part or in whole, without the prior written permission of Cécile RIVOIRON and subject to the respect of the intellectual property rights and any other property right mentioned. Only the copy for private use is authorized for your personal, private and non-commercial use on your personal computer.

Cécile RIVOIRON reserves the right to pursue any act of infringement of its intellectual property rights.

Personnal data

Your personal data (surname, first name, address, postal code, city, e-mail, …) are collected in strict compliance with the law n ° 2004-575 of June 21st, 2004 for the Confidence in the Digital Economy and in the new law RPGD of May 25, 2018.
In accordance with the law n ° 78-17 of January 6th, 1978 relative to the data processing, the files and the freedoms modified by the new law Informatique et Libertés of August 6th, 2004, you have a right of access, of modifications, rectifications and deletion of data concerning you. For this you just have to contact us by mail, e-mail or phone.

Contact form :

The data of the forms of contact are collected in order to be able to answer your different professional requests (email, name / first name, structure, telephone, message). These data are used to answer your various commercial requests.
Under no circumstances will this data be used for other purposes (emailing, reselling your data, etc.).

Cookies :

This website uses cookies. A cookie is a small text stored by your browser, which allows it to keep information between web pages and browsing sessions. These cookies allow Anthesis Consulting to keep information about your browsing. They also help to understand the behavior of users of the site, thus making your experience and your navigation on the site more enjoyable. Cookies can only keep text, which is always confidential and often encrypted. Anthesis Consulting does not store personal data in a cookie. Persistent cookies are used for statistical purposes only. No other persistent cookie is placed by the site in the browser. A session cookie valid only for the duration of the visit is placed.

Disabling and deleting cookies :

Most browsers allow you to refuse cookies. If you want to block all cookies all the time, you can set the preferences of your computer. For example, in Google Chrome, you can adjust your cookie settings by selecting « Preferences », « Advanced », « Content Settings », « Block All Cookies », and changing your preferred settings.

Statistiques et mesures d’audience :

The site uses Google Analytics to measure the audience and understand its traffic:
In no case personal data (IP, emails, etc.) are stored in this tool: we anonymized this data people. Similarly, the cookies have also been modified to have a life of 13 months, in accordance with the European legislation on the GDPR.

Photo credits :

Graphic elements : pictograms : designed by Icon Pound from Flaticon©
Unsplash :
Photos credits : Unsplash : ©Rawpixel, ©Marvin-Meyer , ©Samuel-Zeller, ©Anwaar-Ali, ©Emma-Simpson et Shutterstock : ©Elenabsl